This happens when you stop weighing yourself

weighing yourself

As soon as you wake in the morning, you tense up… you place both feet on the ground, take a breath and sigh in apathy just hoping the number you see this time might just be enough… feel like enough… but to no avail, is it really ever?

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Three reasons you’re secret eating

secret eating solution

As the name suggests, secret eating is a disordered eating behaviour that involves eating at times, in locations or in ways where you won’t be seen, with the intention of hiding what or how much you’re eating from other people…

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How to build a body compassion practice

body compassion mindfulness positive body image

Practical tips to improve your relationship with your body and food

Body compassion plays a significant role within the intuitive eating framework, and working on embodiment can also be an essential step in your quest to improve your relationship with food.

So what is body compassion, and how can we develop a practice to improve our self-esteem and cultivate positive embodiment? Read on to learn more!


What is body compassion, and why might we need a body compassion practice?

There are several ways in which we can explain or understand what we mean by body compassion. Put simply, it can be defined as how an individual relates and experiences being in their body. 

For years, people of all shapes and sizes have been shamed by diet culture, promoting the ‘thin ideal,’ which places smaller bodies above larger ones. 

We live in a society where bodies, like foods, are labelled as ‘good and bad’ or ‘healthy and unhealthy,’ leading to weight stigma and food restriction. Where we are never perfect and constantly need to be improving our bodies, appearance and health. 

Being brave enough to unpack our internalised beliefs can be the critical step to finding freedom and being more body compassionate.

However, it’s important to remember that body compassion is prolonged, difficult work. There is a lot of ‘unlearning’ involved, and it is impossible to reverse beliefs overnight.

However, there may be amazing benefits to working on our body compassion. A recent literature review found that having a stronger body compassion practice was protective against poor body image and eating pathology. Body compassion has therefore been linked to decreasing eating disorder outcomes and disrupting the risk factors that may trigger them. (1)

Other research has shown that major life events are less likely to trigger binge eating episodes when body compassion is present (2) and reduce feelings of shame and guilt. (3) 

A body compassion study on young women was also shown to reduce social appearance anxiety, upward appearance comparison, body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness, and increase body appreciation and compassion even when tested one month post-intervention. (4)


How can we create develop our body compassion practice?

Body compassion practice is deliberate – it will help to set aside some time each day or week to commit to this form of healing. It can be great to familiarise yourself with these tools and techniques so they feel more natural when you might need them most. Below is some inspiration for what your body compassion practice may look like.


ONE: Making rituals 

Making rituals and committing to them can be a fantastic stepping stone in your journey to body empowerment. Some examples you could include in a ritual might consist of:

  • Journalling your thoughts, emotions and feelings
  • Listening to a body positivity/neutrality podcast or meditation
  • Reading a chapter or section of a body liberation book
  • Creating and saying a positive mantra 
  • Yoga, stretching and other movements you enjoy
  • Committing to a regular mindfulness practice
  • Offering yourself a massage
  • Scrolling through the feeds of positive body activists
  • Checking in with your values and reminding yourself of them
  • Seeking and looking at images of diverse bodies and not just what we see on media

You could write these as a list or in a diagram format to remind you of simple techniques and even add your own ideas too. Hanging this up on a wall or somewhere you will see it daily may act as a gentle reminder to embrace body compassion throughout your day. 


TWO: Write a letter to your body

Another step you could try is writing a letter to your body. There are plenty of ways in which you could address this, and examples may include:

  1. Writing a letter of love to your body, appreciating and noticing its intricacies and nuances, thanking it for all of the amazing purposes it serves in this very moment, and not when or if you look a certain way. Your body allows you to breathe, run, dance eat, sleep, and even read this article!
  2. Writing a letter of apology to your body for what may have been a lifetime of negativity, low self-esteem, criticism and punishment, engaging in disorderly behaviours and not appreciating it for being a particular shape. 

Both of these letters may feel quite difficult to do but can be liberating and help you to reground with your values and what truly matters. 


THREE: Explore your intentions.

Ask yourself some questions to further understand your feelings around embodiment and to identify and even alter thought patterns. You could delve into some of the following questions:

  • What does embodiment look like and mean to you?
  • What are the barriers between you and encompassing your body?
  • Are you able to recall a time, perhaps in early childhood, when you felt at peace within your body and carefree of how you would be perceived? How does that differ from how you feel now?
  • In what ways do you feel proud of your body and what it can do?
  • How has fatphobia shaped your view of your body and yourself?
  • When did you first feel as though your body was a problem? What may have influenced this?
  • Do you have a particular role model who you feel best represents positive embodiment for you? What about them can you appreciate, and how can you apply this to your own body?
  • Have you been able to feel gratitude or appreciation for your body that you didn’t feel previously?

Exploring these questions (and others that may come to mind) can be an excellent way of breaking down internalised beliefs, shifting the blame from ourselves to external sources that feed these beliefs.

Remember, practices can be dynamic and change over time as you learn and progress further and develop more skills and tools to better empower yourself. Stay tuned with future articles and learn how to beat diet culture and boost your body image.

This is extremely brave work, and you are doing amazing in beginning the journey of understanding body compassion.


Priya Chotai, BSc ANutr 

EHL Team x



1. Braun TD, Park CL, Gorin A. Self-compassion, body image, and disordered eating: A review of the literature. Body Image. 2016 Jun;17:117-31. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2016.03.003. Epub 2016 Mar 31. PMID: 27038782.

2. Barata-Santos M, Marta-Simões J, Ferreira C. Body compassion safeguards against the impact of major life events on binge eating. Appetite. 2019 Mar 1;134:34-39. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2018.12.016. Epub 2018 Dec 14. PMID: 30557589.

3. Oliveira S, Trindade IA, Ferreira C. The buffer effect of body compassion on the association between shame and body and eating difficulties. Appetite. 2018 Jun 1;125:118-123. Doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2018.01.031. Epub 2018 Feb 7. PMID: 29427690.

4. Seekis V, Bradley GL, Duffy AL. Does a Facebook-enhanced Mindful Self-Compassion intervention improve body image? An evaluation study. Body Image. 2020 Sep;34:259-269. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2020.07.006. Epub 2020 Jul 24. PMID: 32717627.


Three steps to challenging your food rules

anti diet food rules challenge recovery

How to move away from the shackles of diet culture by challenging your food rules 


If you’ve ever felt guilty or anxious around food and eating, you’re probably be influenced by your food rules.

Food rules are beliefs about foods that are collected over time and form the basis of our food choices when we are not eating intuitively. They dictate things like the types of food you’re allowed to have, how much you should eat, and the timing of your meals and snacks. You may not even realise how many food rules you have until you start your journey towards intuitive eating and begin to question the reasoning behind your eating habits!

This article will give you three simple steps to help you get to the bottom of your food rules and overcome them, in order to learn to eat based on your internal body cues.


ONE: Renourish your brain

In order to do the difficult work of changing your thinking patterns and belief systems, you must first ensure that your brain is functioning to the best of its ability. We know that the brain needs a tonne of energy to do its job properly; this means that getting adequate nutrition is one of the most important steps you can take if you want to change your cognitions.

One of the most well-known studies showing the effects of inadequate nutrition on the brain is the Minnesota Starvation Study. Amongst other ground-breaking discoveries, the study found that the restriction of calories causes impaired concentration, reduced alertness, poor comprehension and problem solving, and reduced motivation. Learn more about the effects of starvation on the brain and body here.

Ensuring you are eating regularly and adequately to give your brain the fuel it needs will make the next two steps that much easier.


TWO: Unpack the rule

It can be helpful to understand the origin of your food rules and what exactly they mean to you. This can allow you to develop a deeper understanding of you thought processes, making it easier to challenge them.

Some questions you can ask yourself to begin this process are:

  • Where did this rule come from?
  • When did I first begin following this rule? What triggered this?
  • What do I believe this rule will achieve? Is this belief logical?
  • What are my specific fears around breaking this rule?
  • How is my life affected by this rule?


THREE: Conduct an experiment

The most effective strategy for breaking down food rules is experimentation. Put your scientific hat on and approach your beliefs with curiosity and a methodical mindset.

The first step of this is to select a rule to challenge. Begin with the more flexible and less fear-inducing rules – there’s no need to throw yourself in the deep end!

Next, form a hypothesis about what you think (or what you fear) might happen. This might be structured like “If I do X, then Y will occur”.

Here comes the scary part – testing your hypothesis out. You might like to ask a friend or family member to support you through this if you’re expecting it to be particularly difficult. Keep in mind that you may need to test your hypothesis several times in order to come to a conclusion.

The last step is to evaluate the results. What actually happened? How did this compare to what you expected to happen? If it was different, can you come up with an alternative belief that might be more accurate?

Continue to repeat this process with all your food rules, gradually progressing to the more challenging ones. With patience and practice, you’ll be eating according to your body cues in no time!

If you believe you would benefit from individual support with your journey towards intuitive eating, our expert dietitians are here to help! Get in touch at [email protected] to learn more about how we can work with you to achieve your goals.


Karli Battaglia, APD

EHL Team x