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Don’t just take our word for it, see what our clients have to say

Read and hear success stories from our past clients who have healed their relationship with food and have made incredible changes in their lives. We are so proud of these clients and want the same success story for you too!

Client Testimonials

If you find during the programme maybe something isn’t working for you. Trust the process and wait because one day you’ll find yourself doing something (intuitively) and it will change your world. When one concept works, it all starts to fall into place. Give yourself love and time.
United Kingdom
Asking for help is a personal choice, but just know that Embody Health is a safe space to for individual growth. Everyone’s road to recovery looks different. I completed this program with a completely different mentality. I just know that I’ll be okay and that I’m not alone
United Kingdom
My time with Ariana was invaluable. She really helped me understand how nourishing my body goes way beyond the merely physical and that there’s so much more than meets the eye. While working with Ariana I really felt a sense of trust like I was being heard when I had the courage to explore very personal experiences. I have truly felt a boost in my confidence and love of self as a result and would truly recommend the service! I would definitely recommend Embody Health London.
Ariana is literally one of my favourite people! She has delved into each facet of my eating habits and lifestyle with wisdom, compassion and patience. She has met me where I was at and walked the journey with me - always supporting and encouraging, working with me, giving of her time selflessly, and challenging me where I needed it. I have a transformed outlook on food and the way I eat and nurture my body, and I now love the way I do things and I feel confident that’s it’s good for me and balanced too. Couldn’t recommend them highly enough!
South Africa

Charlotte, 23, United Kingdom...

Hi, I am 23-year-old female who found EHL scrolling through my FYP late at night on TikTok during the peak of lockdown in the UK. I reached out to Cassie who responded so enthusiastically and quickly, and told me about the programme, which I then began the following week. I was a little hesitant given the programme was stumbled across thanks to TikTok, and given I was conscious that my previous experiences with communicating with any adults or professionals about my experience with eating disorders, and disordered eating has been persistently negative. Plus, I also wondered whether the programme would be relevant to my experiences. It’s now been 12 weeks later, and as ridiculous or as cringe as it may seem, I am truly a different person. I feel like I have learnt as much as I did in my university degree over three years in comparison to 12 weeks! From week one, I felt like Cassie was reading my brain and had some sort of magical insight into my feelings, thoughts and previous experiences. The webinars are an excellent balance between learning about why eating disorders exist, and why we behave in certain ways and how the majority of the time, it’s the responsibility of a wider diet culture that exists to impact our way of life. The group of other women were made up of mix of all ages, identities, opinions and life experiences with eating disorders. You are able to build close bonds with the others in the group, and each individual, regardless of previous experience, took from the course different leanings and life lessons. Cassie and Ariana are always on hand to provide reassuring support, and words of wisdom week by week which helps with the guided worksheets you are given each week. Regardless of the intensity, or experience of disordered eating you may have had, or whether you have had any experience with low body confidence issues, wobbles around eating and exercise, or anything in between that diet culture creates for us - I would highly recommend the programme to everyone. I would really recommend the programme to every woman who constantly has to exist in a world where we are constantly judged, assessed, monitored on our body image, personality and diet. Whether or not you want to learn more about nutrition, or you want to rewire your brain around disordered eating, I would highly recommend the programme! I wish Cassie and Ariana would teach every student across the UK in schools to prevent a life of various challenges that I’ve had to endure, and many, many others!