Three ways to feel good in your body and improve body image

We frequently separate ourselves from our bodies and treat them like something that needs to be punished for betraying us by not fulfilling our own or society’s beauty ideal, as opposed to cultivating a greater sense of bodily connection and focusing on our lived experience over looks… this blog highlights how to do just that.

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How to support someone with an eating disorder

Eating disorders are incredibly isolating illnesses – as a result, social support is fundamental to recovery.1 However, worrying about what to say (or what NOT to say) to a friend or family member with an eating disorder can feel really overwhelming.

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Is eating organic food really better?

Organic foods are often promoted as the superior option by wellness and “clean-eating” gurus, yet are those pesticide, hormone, and antibiotic free foods truly “healthier” or simply a fast-track to shopping-induced stress and a direct route to eating into your overdraft and food budget?

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How to manage weight gain during menopause

Many health professionals blame the symptoms and increased health risks associated with menopause on the increase in fat around the abdomen. While there is some evidence to support this theory, there is also a whole host of reasons why…

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Can you really mistake hunger for thirst?

Googling “can you mistake thirst for hunger” brings up numerous articles advocating that hunger is often just dehydration in disguise. In a world where we have become accustomed to, if not normalised, ways in which we can suppress hunger…

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